25, 2002
to Wyndspirit Dreams! This year, a couple of my moss roses decided
to volunteer outside their assigned gardens. I noticed the first one while
it was pretty small, and transplanted it to a flower garden that had some
bare patches. I didn’t notice the other one till it was already blooming.
That’s right, blooming. Right out in my yard, after being mowed down who
knows how many times. It looks a little the worse for wear from being mowed
down, but I don’t have the heart to move it. I figure that since it has
survived this long, it has earned its place. And so it continues to bloom,
and I mow around it…when I remember. The other one survived being transplanted—moss
roses normally transplant well—but it has never bloomed. It is alive and
green and all, but just doesn’t grow.
makes me think of the old adage, “Bloom where you are planted.” We can’t
always choose where we end up in life, but we can choose how we handle
it. My moss rose seed didn’t choose to be blown outside the shelter of
its assigned garden, but it is doing its best to bloom. It gets mowed down
just about every time I mow, but in a day or so it blooms again. I know
people whom life seems to have blown into unfairly difficult paths, yet
they somehow manage to thrive. They don’t waste time feeling sorry for
themselves. Instead, when they get mowed down, they concentrate on picking
themselves up and blooming again. They are surprised to learn they are
an inspiration to the rest of us. They are just living their lives the
best way they know how.
have thought many times that I could not do what these people do, could
not live the way they live. Yet, just by living their lives, they show
me it can be done, and give me strength when the hard times come in my
direction. And I can’t help but think that maybe these people would feel
stifled stuck in the middle of a bunch of other flowers just like themselves.
They aren’t meant to be uprooted, to be transplanted somewhere else. Instead,
they are meant to pop their heads up and bloom defiantly every time they
get mowed down. They are blooming where they are planted, an unexpected
splash of brightness, to be an inspiration, to make us smile, and to make
the world just a little bit better for the rest of us.